Candylab Graywolf Bus

Candylab Graywolf Bus


Sale price £15.98
Need to escape the city on a budget? Well, the Gray Wolf Bus will definitely get you there. You might not have much leg room or fresh air during your journey, but you'll get to enjoy some gorgeous views on the way. Once you get to Boogerville, you'll be glad to be away from the hustle and bustle.
Package Dimensions: 14 x 5.7 x 4.4 cm
Weight: 232 grams
Age: 3y+
Barcode: 850037220359

Shipped from our warehouse in East Sussex.

Estimate delivery time:

2-3 working days (UK)

Return within 30 days of purchase.

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Candylab Graywolf Bus

Candylab Graywolf Bus
